Girl names inspired by flowers

1. Capucine 11. Jacinthe
2. Rose 12. Dahlia
3. Garance 13. Flora
4. Marguerite 14. Fleur
5. Iris 15. Camélia
6. Lila 16. Angélique
7. Eglantine 17. Mélisse
8. Marjolaine 18. Lys
9. Hortense 19. Anémone
10. Violette 20. Bleuette

Fruits can also be names for girls

21. Prune 26. Coco
22. Clémentine 27. Mirabelle
23. Pomme 28. Myrtille
24. Cerise 29. Olive
25. Mandarine 30. Airelle

Color the name of your daughter

31. Blanche 34. Ruby
32. Bleuenn 35. Jade
33. Marine 36. Brune

French unisex names for baby girls and baby boys

37. Camille 44. Louison
38. Lou 45. Sacha
39. Eden 46. Noa
40. Morgan 47. Andréa
41. Charlie 48. Maxime
42. Ange 49. Gwen
43. Stéphane 50. Maé

Read also this article to know more about the daily routine of a French family.

Cute French names that are timeless

51. Alice 76. Marie
52. Anna 77. Pauline
53. Gabrielle 78. Valentine
54. Victoire 79. Heloïse
55. Delphine 80. Diane
56. Agathe 81. Candice
57. Océane 82. Apolline
58. Juliette 83. Joséphine
59. Inès 84. Eléonore
60. Astrid 85. Constance
61. Jeanne 86. Cécile
62. Romane 87. Madeleine
63. Adèle 88. Anouk
64. Clémence 89. Charline
65. Elisa 90. Faustine
66. Léa 91. Claire
67. Léonie 92. Maëlle
68. Lilou 93. Céleste
69. Lola 94. Célestine
70. Manon 95. Angèle
71. Margaux 96. Bérénice
72. Adélaïde 97. Philippine
73. Clara 98. Clarisse
74. Charlotte 99. Sophie
75. Louise 100. Mathilde

I hope this selection was helpful and that you found the name for your baby girl to come 🙂