A Serenade from France’s Finest Females France is a country renowned for its rich cultural heritage, and its music scene is no exception. Among the plethora of talents, there are seven outstanding female vocalists whose melodies echo across the world, enchanting...
French literature is so wide and diverse that a month to write about French classic novels wouldn’t be enough! If you want to be pushed into old Paris and discover what life was like in Paris when only books could entertain and denounce, take a good cup of tea and...
If you are expecting a boy and if you would like to give a French name to your baby, here is the list of my favorite 100 baby French names for a baby boy. Historical French names 1. Alexandre 6. Hugues 2. César 7. François 3. Charles 8. Constantin 4. Auguste 9....
If you are expecting a girl and if you would like to give a French name to your baby, here is the list of my favorite 100 cute French names for a baby girl. Girl names inspired by flowers 1. Capucine 11. Jacinthe 2. Rose 12. Dahlia 3. Garance 13. Flora 4. Marguerite...
When we think about musicals, what comes to mind first is Broadway, and not French musicals. However we also have some pretty good musicals in France too. Starmania, 1979 Starmania is probably one of the most famous French musicals, as it is one of the first ones....
Are you interested in French lifestyle and French culture? Do you spend half of your time on Instagram? Are you fed up with the accounts that have perfect pictures of Paris? Then, you absolutely need to have a look at my Top 10 French Instagram Influencers. If you...
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