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Numbers 1 to 100 in French

Language Learning Tips

Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your French skills, learning to count from 1 to 100 in French is essential. Our comprehensive guide will help you master these numbers with ease, providing pronunciation tips and helpful tricks along the way. Ready to start counting in French? Dive into our guide and boost your language skills today!
numbers in french

You might think that the numbers 1 to 100 in French are a piece of cake and that knowing how to count is just as easy as in English… Well, you would only think so if you had never encountered French numbers! The worldwide web is keen on making fun of the way French people are counting… Let’s learn how to count from one to a hundred in French right now!

On top of this post, click on the podcast in order to hear the right prononciation, and train by repeating after me 🙂

First of all, let’s separate the enumeration into two distinctive groups : from 1 to 69 on one side and from 70 to 100 on the other one. The first group is quite common, just figures to learn by heart, nothing quirky. However, the second group is quite tricky and I am aware that those can be difficult to remember and to learn by heart. Good luck 🙂

Numbers 1 to 69

As indicated above, nothing hard here. The only thing is to remember those by heart. Don’t hesitate to write those numbers down and to stick it all over your house so that you can review it when cooking, when showering or even in the bathroom! (For more tips to learn French faster, read this article 🙂 )

1. Un
2. Deux
3. Trois
4. Quatre
5. Cinq
6. Six
7. Sept
8. Huit
9. Neuf
10. Dix
11. Onze
12. Douze
13. Treize
14. Quatorze
15. Quinze
16. Seize
17. Dix-sept
18. Dix-huit
19. Dix-neuf
20. Vingt
21. Vingt-et-un
22. Vingt-deux
23. Vingt-trois
24. Vingt-quatre
25. Vingt-cinq
26. Vint-six
27. Vingt-sept
28. Vingt-huit
29. Vingt-neuf
30. Trente
31. Trente-et-un
32. Trente-deux
33. Trente-trois
34. Trente-quatre
35. Trente-cinq
36. Trente-six
37. Trente-sept
38. Trente-huit
39. Trente-neuf
40. Quarante
41. Quarante-et-un
42. Quarante-deux
43. Quarante-trois
44. Quarante-quatre
45. Quarante-cinq
46. Quarante-six
47. Quarante-sept
48. Quarante-huit
49. Quarante-neuf
50. Cinquante
51. Cinquante-et-un
52. Cinquante-deux
53. Cinquante-trois
54. Cinquante-quatre
55. Cinquante-cinq
56. Cinquante-six
57. Cinquante-sept
58. Cinquante-huit
59. Cinquante-neuf
60. Soixante
61. Soixante-et-un
62. Soixante-deux
63. Soixante-trois
64. Soixante-quatre
65. Soixante-cinq
66. Soixante-six
67. Soixante-sept
68. Soixante-huit
69. Soixante-neuf

Numbers 70 to 100

And now, this is getting serious! But I promise, IT IS GONNA BE OK ! Have a good laugh here before getting to it.
Ready ? Let’s start dissecting the below numbers.

Soixante-dix (70)

Seventy in French is literally built this way : Soixante (60) – dix (10). It is like an addition but you don’t say plus or anything else than the numbers. For the following numbers until 79, you just keep counting like you already learnt beforehand from 10 to 19 (with the word soixante before). Understood? Easy 🙂

Quatre-vingts (80)

Eighty literally translates as : Quatre (4) – vingts (20). This time, it is not an addition that is implied but a multiplication (I know nothing logical here! Sorry, not my fault). And then, until 89, you just add un, deux, trois,… to quatre-vingts. HOWEVER, be careful, as quatre-vingts (80) takes an “s” at the end of vingt but does not anymore when you add a number after it, ok ?

Quatre-vingt-dix (90)

Here again, I don’t get the logic! Quatre (4)- vingt (20) – dix (10) : quite funny but quite tricky for foreigners. And the following numbers are to be formed with onze, douze, treize,…

All the numbers are below. In order to remember it, repeating it out loud is key. You can make it!

70. Soixante-dix
71. Soixante-et-onze
72. Soixante-douze
73. Soixante-treize
74. Soixante-quatorze
75. Soixante-quinze
76. Soixante-seize
77. Soixante-dix-sept
78. Soixante-dix-huit
79. Soixante-dix-neuf
80. Quatre-vingts
81. Quatre-vingt-un
82. Quatre-ving-deux
83. Quatre-vingt-trois
84. Quatre-vingt-quatre
85. Quatre-vingt-cinq
86. Quatre-vingt-six
87. Quatre-vingt-sept
88. Quatre-vingt-huit
89. Quatre- vingt-neuf
90. Quatre-vingt-dix
91. Quatre-vingt-onze
92. Quatre-vingt-douze
93. Quatre-vingt-treize
94. Quatre-vingt-quatorze
95. Quatre-vingt-quinze
96. Quatre-vingt-seize
97. Quatre-vingt-dix-sept
98. Quatre-vingt-dix-huit
99. Quatre-vingt-dix-neuf
100. Cent

Diversity in French-speaking countries

As you know if you read this article, I moved to the Swiss border (on the French side) a few years ago. What struck me here was the difference in the language. We speak the same language on both sides of the border, but some words are absolutely different! Numbers are among those differences.

In Switzerland, as well as in Belgium, people don’t use soixante-dix (70), quatre-vingts (80) or quatre-vingt-dix (90), but they use septante (70), huitante (80) and nonante (90) and you actually build it just like the other tens, like for instance septante-et-un, septante-deux, septante-trois,… It is quite logical but super confusing for me!

I hope this article made the numbers 1 to 100 in French a bit more understandable. Next step? Learn it by heart!

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