French animal sounds are different from German animal sounds or American animal sounds, for example. Actually, even though it can be quite similar (yes all animals objectively make the same sound), there are as many sounds as the languages in the world! Let’s find out what the French animals sound like 🙂
English animal | French animal | French sound |
Bee | Abeille | Bzzzzz |
Donkey | Âne | Hi-Han |
Duck | Canard | Coin-coin |
Cat | Chat | Miaou |
Horse | Cheval | Huuuuuu |
Dog | Chien | Wof Wof |
Owl | Chouette | Hou-Hou |
Pig | Cochon | Groin-Groin |
Rooster | Coq | Cocorico |
Cuckoo | Coucou | Coucou |
Turkey | Dinde | Glouglou |
Frog | Grenouille | Côa-Côa |
Wolf | Loup | Aouuuuuh |
Fly | Mouche | zzzzzzzzzz |
Sheep | Mouton | Bêêêêêêê |
Bird | Oiseau | Cui-cui |
Peacock | Paon | Léon |
Parrot | Perroquet | Co-co |
Pigeon | Pigeon | Rou-rou |
Hen | Poule | Cot-cot |
Snake | Serpent | Kssssss |
Cow | Vache | Meuh |
When French people are speaking to babies/young children, they usually use the sound the animal is making to talk about the animal. For instance, French people often say : “Regarde le coin-coin!” (Look at the duck!)
Read also : TOP 12 Anglicism in French
Different sounds mean different verbs!
In French, we like to use different verbs to describe the sounds of each animals. Let’s check below the most common ones (as we almost have one specific verb for each species, most French-speaking people do not know them, me included 🙂 so let’s learn the ones below first and if you need to know a specific verb, leave a comment and I will reply.)
Animal | Verb |
Abeille | Bourdonner |
Âne | Braire |
Canard | Cancaner or Caqueter |
Cerf (Deer) | Bramer |
Chat | Miauler |
Cheval | Hennir |
Chien | Aboyer |
Chouette | Hululer |
Cochon | Grogner |
Coq | Chanter |
Dinde | Glouglouter |
Eléphant | Barrir |
Grenouille | Coasser |
Lapin (Rabbit) | Clapir |
Lion | Rugir |
Loup | Hurler |
Ours (Bear) | Grogner |
Poule | Caqueter |
Sanglier (Boar) | Grommeler |
Vache | Meugler |
Comment and tell me which of the French animal sounds is the funniest for you! If you learnt something thanks to this article, please share it!